Membership & Recruiting

Sandra Raab


Sandra Raab

responsible for evolving, work with region coordinator, maintain database, lists, marketing, directory, alumni, membership applications


Bio: (see below)


Contact Information    
[email protected]

2 Year Term


My Story:   I quit high school my sophomore year. I made a promise to myself that one day I would finish high school and go on to my dream of getting a college degree. In the spring of 1991, I received my GED and I am continuing my dream of going to college. I started in January of 2003. I am a junior in college going for my Bachelors Degree in University Studies with Graphic Design.  It took me a little while to get there but I am here in college and enjoying it very much and living my dream. I have been very busy in college and also the community.
Here are some of my achievements. 

University Involvement:

  • Summer of 2004 over the 4th of July we served a meal for The Arts in the Park

  • Participated in decorating the Homecoming Float for 2003,2004 and 2005

  •  We put a pot luck supper on for t! hr International Students in January 2004

  •  As a group we raised money for the House of Manna in 2003-2004

  • Served as Vice President for the year of 2004-2005

  • We held a celebration at DSU in Nov. 2004 for Non Traditional Students Week.

  •  In Dec. 2004 and 2005 as a group we put up an Angel Tree for the unfortunate children and the ones that are living in the ABLE Homes in Dickinson to put a little Christmas under their tree.

  •  2005-2006 I am serving as the clubs President

  • Clubs and Organization Fair for 2005-2006

  •  Served ! as a Co-Captain for the DSU Team for Relay for Life in July 2004, 2005 & 2006 Relay for life has doubled their fund raising for each year

  •  I represented Dickinson State University at the ANTSHE in  Augusta, Georgia in March 2005, and in New Hampshire in 2005.

  • Nominated for Homecoming candidate for Oct. 2005

Achievements / Awards: 

    In Educational Enhancement Services (EES) I received the following Awards

  •  Social / Cultural Bench mark Award for 2003-2004

  •  Workshop Benchmark Award for 2003-2! 004

  •  Most Improve GPA Sophomore 2003-2004

  •  Supplement Instruction Award for 2003-2004

  •  Phoenix Award for 2003-2004

  • Phoenix Award for 2004-2005

  • Phoenix Award for 2005-2006


     In SOTA I received the following Achievements and Awards 

  •  Nominated for the Ants Award at the ANTSHE Conference in Augusta Georgia in March 2005

  •  Received a Scholarship Award from Dickinson State University and SOTA 2005-2006 & 2006-2007

  •  Spring of 2006 I was  inducted in the National Omicron-Psi Honor Society

  • Nominated for the Ants Award at the ANTSHE Conference in Manchester, New Hampshire March 2006

  • Received the Georgia Hanson Gutensohn Scholarship Award for 2006-2007


Community Involvement:


  I have been on the committee for Relay for Life the past three years. Relay for Life is American Cancer Society Signature Fund Raiser. I was selected Team Coordinator to Represent South West North Dakota in The 2005 Great Division Leadership Summit Conference for Relay for Life in Las Vegas, Nevada September, 2005. This year I was selected Chair position to represent South West North Dakota at the 2006 Great West Division Leadership Summit Conference for Relay for Life in Reno Nevada September, 2006

