United States Veterans
[email protected]
Welcome to the ANTSHE Nontrad Veterans
At the October 2009 Board of Directors
meeting, the board approved a resolution brought forward by
President Jeffrey Bunnell to create a new position on the
board named Veteran Affairs Officer. The board
unanimously approved the resolution. Since the action by the
board requires a change to the ANTSHE governing documents,
the approved resolution will appear on the agenda at the
general membership meeting in March. Once approved the
position will be filled by appointment until which time it
moves through a normal election cycle.
In the interim, President Bunnell asked
the board to appoint Mr. John Mikelson of University of Iowa
to begin to develop the position and gather information.
The board approved his request and Mr. Mikelson accepted the
appointment. Read more about John on the
Board of Directors page.
Below is the description of the position
as it will appear (once approved) in the ANTSHE
SECTION 12: Veterans Affairs Officer
The Veterans Affairs Officer will work to
enhance the educational experience of veteran
non-traditional students in higher education by empowering
and supporting nontrad student veteran individuals and
groups at member institutions. The Officer will be the first
point of contact for veteran members, coordinate with ANTSHE
Communications Officer to provide timely and up to date
information as it applies to veterans and the ANTSHE mission
of support. They will work to connect students groups with
resources, advocate on behalf of nontrad student veterans at
the state and national level. The Veterans Affairs Officer
is expected to attend all Board of Director meetings as well
as the annual conference.
In the coming months we will be working to
fill these pages with information for veterans returning to
campuses across the country. If you would like to
contribute to this effort email us your ideas to
[email protected]
developing pages
Information you can use:
Student Veterans Association Monthly Newsletter -
Outward Bound for Veterans
Request for survey participants:
I am a doctoral student working
under the supervision of Dr. Terry Pace at the University of
Oklahoma. I am writing to request your assistance with my
dissertation (which has been approved by the University of
Oklahoma Institutional Review Board, IRB # 12639). The
purpose of my research is to look at potential differences
between military and non-military undergraduate students on
a variety of measures. I am interested in making my online
survey available to your group for completion. Please
forward this email / online survey link to your group
members. For every completed survey returned a contribution
will be made to
www.TreatAnySoldier.com, an organization that sends care
packages to soldiers.
Here is the link that will take
participants to the consent form and questionnaires.
Thank you for your assistance.
Lauren Ridener