Need a Way to Improve your Services to Adult Students?

Check out CAEL's Conferences & Workshops!

For more information click on this web site address and go to workshops & conferences

Prior Learning Assessment Workshops
Does your institution use on-line assessment or on-line portfolios? Does your institution need to incorporate the use of technology in their PLA program to alleviate the paper chase? If your answer to these questions is yes, then CAEL's 2001 PLA Workshops are for you!

Study Tours
Study Tours are a unique opportunity to experience and explore a specific theme at successful institutions that are known for effective adult learning practices. Through on-campus presentations and discussions, you will learn how and why creative, new programs were developed and about the practices that make them work. Join a CAEL Study Tour and learn about innovative ways to offer the best educational programs for adults!

Adult Learning Theory Seminar
Could you be more effective in your position if you had better knowledge of adult learning? Don't miss this opportunity to join Art Chickering and Morris T. Keeton, noted leaders in adult learning, for a seminar on March 28 & 29 that will give you the foundation you need to create a successful and effective program.

For more information see the CAEL web site at

and click on Workshops & Conferences