Third Annual National Conference
Best Western Motel
Denver, Colorado

     October 8-10!!!

Travel & Hotel information

Registration form

1999 conference hosted by

other conference sponsors:
Arapahoe Community College

Colorado Christian University

Colorado Mountain College

Doane College

Mesa State College

Northeastern Junior College

University of Colorado @ Denver

University of Denver

University of North Carolina - Charlotte
more to come...


ANTSHE will hold its third annual conference in Denver, Colorado on October 8, 9 & 10, 1999. The conference will be hosted by Red Rocks Community College. Many non-traditional students, the professionals who work with non-trad students, and other interested parties like yourself will gather at the annual conference where many workshops and speakers will target presentations toward the special concerns and issues faced by members of the ANTSHE partnership.

The Board of Directors of ANTSHE invites you to the "Queen of the Plains" for a conference filled with valuable information, new insights and connections for non-traditional students and professionals.

Are you ready for "Education Options for the Next Millennium"? This conference will address issues surrounding learning in the fast lane, any time, any place or any where.

Conference highlights include:

  • Pre-conference tour of Higher Education and Advanced Technology (HEAT) Center. This campus is the wave of the future. Several colleges share expensive technology at the 157 acre campus at the former Lowry Air Force Base. Colorado's new paradigm for teaching and learning, utilizes multiple strategies and opportunities to enable individuals and business and industry to acquire knowledge and skills for applications of advanced technology.

  • Non-traditional friendly programs which include on-line, self-paced, weekend, tele-courses, etc.

  • Financial aid panel of experts to answer your $$$$$ questions

  • Presidents panel. Presidents from colleges around the country will answer your questions regarding "What is Administration Doing for Non-traditional students"?

  • On-line advising, retention and recruiting will be presented for professionals (anyone is invited).

  • Key-note speaker, Michelle Coats, a non-traditional student, has "been there and done that" and is a mentor for other non-traditional students.

  • Dr. Kim Kazimour will present this year's Kazimour Scholarship Awards. Have you applied?**

  • and much, much more....

    **Three scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each will be awarded. One will be awarded to a two-year college student, one to a four-year college student and one to a student in graduate school. For more information contact Deanna Sanchez-Mulcahy or FAX (505) 277-8975

    Membership | 1997 Kansas City | 1998 San Diego | 2000 Charlotte | ANTSHE

    Board of Directors
    |Regions | Web Links | Information & News| Famous Non-Trads

    Web page edited and maintained by Shelia Pearman, Washburn University.    Please send comments and suggestions to: ANTSHE

    Last updated 7/25/99