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15th Annual Conference at EKU!

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/The ANTSHE Post (Holiday) Released 12/07/2011

Information you can use via ANTSHE POST

'Semester Break'
from your friends at

Hang in there Nontrad students.... semester break is just around the corner! Keep pushing yourself to successfully navigate finals week and the break will be waiting for you...just in time!

Traditional students look forward to the holiday break to go back home and spend time with family and friends, hit the ski slopes, and in general chill out and have fun. Oh, those were the days.

Us Nontrads have a luxury of a different sort--the luxury of responsibilities. Responsibilities to our lives outside the classroom. We finally have a little extra time for our children, our neglected spouses, and our homes! A brief time over the holidays when we don't have to put off helping our kids with their homework so we can do ours! A period when we can look forward to a quiet evening with our spouses after dinner instead of rushing to get things cleaned up so 'I can just have a few hours of study' after the kids go to bed!

While a Nontrads semester break may look different than the more care free traditional student, it is still a break. Make sure you spend time with those people, family and friends, who are supporting you throughout the semesters and make sure they know you appreciate them. While you are making sacrifices to accomplish your academic goals, they are sacrificing for you too.

You should plan to spend time with those important to you, catch up on things that you have put off during the semester, and give yourself a much deserved break when you can. Relaxing and recharging yourself emotionally is a good way to come back to campus in January revitalized and ready to go!

Your ANTSHE family wishes your family the very HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS, and safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

15th Annual ANTSHE Conference @
Eastern Kentucky University

March 23-25, 2012
“Refreshing Your Past, Downloading Your Future”


The staff at the Student Outreach and Transition Office at Eastern Kentucky University continue making arrangements to host ANTSHE next March. They are planning a great 3 day weekend conference experience hosted on their campus. You can follow their progress and get updates on the weekend agenda at http://www.soto.eku.edu/antshe

REGISTRATION is now open!

Register before February 15, 2012 and receive an early bird discount.
For a special treat, on Saturday evening there will be a Mystery Dinner, which is included in your registration fee. Also for $35, you can bring a guest to the Mystery Dinner.

More complete conference information go to: Annual Conference Web Site or download the ANTSHE Conference Packet.

Make plans to attend now so your club or organization can seek funding for the trip to Richmond in March! We are looking forward to a great conference with our friends at EKU and hope to see you there!


If you need nonprofit tax verification for your finance office download it here (ANTSHE W9).

Successful Non-Traditional Student Recognition Week!

Held Nov. 6 - 12, 2011

The first full week of November is“Non-Traditional Student Recognition Week” and was celebrated on campuses all across the country!

Many of our members schools submitted their Nontrad Week celebration events and activities calendars. We will be posting the best of these so you can see how your colleagues across the country celebrated nontrads on their campus.

However you celebrated Nontrad Week, we want to hear about it! Submit your schedules or links to your web pages to [email protected] so we may consider your school for recognition.

At our annual conference we will recognize those universities and clubs with the most spirited diverse celebrations. Recipients receive formal recognition at conference and online recognition on both our websites for the year!


Feb 1-14, 2012

The ANTSHE 2012 election cycle will began in October and will run through Jan. 31, 2012. If you are interested in serving on the ANTSHE Board of Directors please submit a nomination packet to the Elections Committee prior to Jan. 1, 2012.

The following position are up for election this year:

Conference Officer Veteran Affairs Officer

Student Representative(s) Secretary

Technology (IT) Officer

Once confirmed as a candidate your name will appear on the official election ballot which will be sent to our current membership during the voting period Feb 1-14, 2012.

You must be a member in good standing to serve on the Board of Directors

Election Forms:

Nomination Form

Candidate Acceptance Form

Calling all children!

While Santa is busy in Santa’s Workshop, he has a full staff of little elves that are collecting letters from children all over the world!

Santa now has a laptop that he received from Mrs. Claus last Christmas and he invites you to send your letters to him this year to his email address. Once Santa receives your letter, he will reply to you within 2-4 days. Tell all of your friends! Santa looks forward to hearing from everyone this year! Go ahead and start typing away. Santa is waiting!

Please send all letters to one of the following emails!

[email protected]

[email protected]

(If you have any problems please email Keena Baker at [email protected])!

Iconic gifts and club materials are available in our online store at Zazzle. Many of the ANTSHE logo items can be customized for your club or organization! A percentage of your purchase goes to ANTSHE general fund. We thank you for your continued support!

Visit our online store today!

Share Your Success!

Do you have a successful nontrad story to tell? Do you know someone who has succeeded as a nontrad against seemly insurmountable odds? We want to hear from you!

We are putting together our holiday edition of your Nontrad Journal and would like to highlight success stories from our membership. Submit your story and the ANTSHE Editorial Board will consider using it in our next edition.

If selected, your story will also be considered to be a part of a larger work entitled "Yes You Can." This book is an updated new version of a release of several years ago and will contain inspirational stories of Nontrad success!

If you have any questions or would like more information about this program call or email [email protected] (970.812.3187)


What’s Happening:

Ø Nontrad Week is Here!

Ø 15th Annual Conference

Ø Your Nontrad Journal

Ø Annual Elections Begins!

Clubs Highlights

UNC Charlotte


Winston-Salem State Univ

Univ. of Utah

Eastern Kentucky Univ.


Our main website

Active membership site full of great exclusive content & information and links

Pinnacle Honor Society
The premier national honor society for nontraditional students

Best Buy Stores
National electronic retailer & consistent supporter of ANTSHE

Contact Us

[email protected]

Did you miss the last edition of



A periodic release by ANTSHE
Created and Edited by: Jeff Bunnell
