ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner.






Contact us:

Phone     360.545.3593
Fax:        866.887.9940
[email protected]





Donate to the 2010 Conference
Raffle - proceeds support ANTSHE Scholarship Fund!


ANTSHE Nontrad Survey.

The Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education has been serving the adult learner community for over 15 years.  During those years we have learned much from our members about what adult learners need to succeed and thrive in higher education.    

In an attempt to gauge the level of services provided to Non-Traditional Students at institutions of higher education, ANTSHE is conducting a survey of its members, associates and friends.  If you need to gather information prior to filling out the online form you can print a copy here.

ANTSHE will provide feedback in the form of grading.  This survey and its results should be utilized by your institution for improving efforts in recruiting, retaining, and graduating non-traditional students.  Please complete the following survey for your institution.   

Help us help adult learners!

Participate in the ANTSHE Institutional and Member Online Survey

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online surveys



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Contact the ANTSHE Webmaster

Fax: 1.866.887.9940